High Blood Pressure
Facts About High Blood Pressure

Take Control of Your Blood Pressure
Is your blood pressure in a healthy range? The best way to know is to get it checked.
Then, enter your numbers into this calculator to see which blood pressure category you are in.
Systolic Pressure
Diastolic Pressure

Normal Blood Pressure
Elevated Blood Pressure
You have elevated blood pressure. Unless steps are taken to control it, elevated blood pressure can turn into high blood pressure.
Work with your health care team to get your blood pressure in the normal range. Lifestyle changes can help.
High Blood Pressure Stage 1
High Blood Pressure Stage 2
Hypertensive Crisis
You may be in hypertensive crisis.
- Wait five minutes.
- Take your blood pressure again.
If your readings are still high, call your health care professional right away.
Call 911 if your blood pressure is higher than 180/120 and you are having chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness, weakness, change in vision or difficulty speaking.

Learn How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home
Let's Talk About Blood Pressure
In this free learning tool, you can learn:
- The risks of high blood pressure
- How self-monitoring can help control high blood pressure
Explore and download free information along the way.